Our club is place where individuals join together to give there valuable time and effort to improve our community.

About Us
Join Yorkton Lions Club
There are 41 members in our Yorkton Lions Club and we are looking for more! Come help us improve our community.
And make some great friends in the process.
Our club has been a part of Yorkton for 72 years. We have raised tens of thousands of dollars and made donations to countless local organizations. Our mission is to serve our community.
Join Our Club and Help Us Change the World

We are happy to raise +$80k annually and donate it to local causes in Yorkton, SK.

Our club has been a part of Yorkton for 72 years.

We made donations to countless local organizations.

Together We Serve
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; Indeed,it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead.
Join our club and help us change the world.

Childhood Cancer

Yorkton Lions Club
The Service Journey
The Service Journey is an approach to living and serving well. To making a real difference people can see and feel. It encompasses four simple phases: Learn, Discover, Act, and Celebrate. We love these words because they transcend organizational formulas. They have no borders. They are the essence of Lions and Leos.
If the past 100 years have taught us anything, it’s that as we serve, we grow. And we were never meant to stop. Service is our journey. Let’s explore it together.
Thanks to ALL who supported our Super Bowl Pool
The Winners were:
Clare Soltys and Sandra Burton – Final Score – $1000
Steve Prokopishin – Final Score Reverse – $100
Alvin Karton – 1st Quarter Score – $400
Alvin Karton – 1st Quarter Score Reverse – $50
Josh Exner – 2nd Quarter Score – $400
Lloyd Perrin – 2nd Quarter Score Reverse – $50
Jeff Malone – 3rd Quarter Score – $400
Caron Novak – 3rd Quarter Score Reverse – $50